Kristin Butcher
... author, artist, keeper of the past...

OLA Super Conference 2025
Well I might not have made it to OLA Super Conference 2025 happening in Toronto from January 29th to February 1st, but my new book, Closer to Far Away did! Look at it standing on Red Deer Press's display table, calling to readers. I'm so proud of that book.

Another Contract!
That's right. I have a contract for another book. It's with Red Deer Press again, BUT this time I'm not writing it. PJ Sarah Collins is the author. It's a picture book titled Rosa's Braille Trail. It's scheduled for release in the spring of 2026,
and ...
How crazy is that!
At the back of my mind, I think it's something I've always wanted to do, but I never thought it would actually happen. It's a steep learning curve, but I'm loving the experience. Look at me -- getting paid to draw and paint!

I've Been Interviewed ...
That's right. Incredible author, Laura Best, interviewed my for her blog. So if you want to get all the behind-the-scenes skinny on Closer to Far Away and my take on being a writer, please visit Laura's Blog.
In addition, you can find discover the story behind Closer to Far Away in my interview with Simon Rose on his blog.

Yes, that's right -- Closer to Far Away is in bookstores and libraries a month and a half ahead of schedule. How wonderful is that!! I can't wait for you to meet Lucy May Barber and her family. You'll laugh; you'll cry. And you'll be glad you got to share their story. Let me know how you like the book, and please leave reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, Indigo , and the other online booksellers, as well as your local library website. Thank you!
We're Out There!

The official release date for Closer to Far Away is November 15th, but a buzz is already starting. To commemorate Canada Day, Teach Magazine has put together a collection of new and upcoming books that take place in different parts of the country from Lucy Maude Montgomery territory in Prince Edward Island to Desolation Sound in British Columbia. I am thrilled to report that Closer to Far Away is one of the featured books!
It's Getting Real

New Book Contract
I've signed a contract with Red Deer Press for the publication of a middle-grade, historical novel titled Closer to Far Away. The book is scheduled for release in the fall of 2024. I can't wait!

Add Illustrator To My Resume
Last year a California writer hired me to illustrate a family-oriented picture book called Everything Is Hard. I had no idea when the book would be finished and available. Well, a few days ago the author emailed me to say it was formatted and ready to go. If you're interested, it's available on Amazon in paperback. (Translation: It's affordable.) Congratulations, Anna! I hope you sell a million!

What's Old Is New Again
On March 26th, the Toronto Six women's hockey team brought home The Isobel Cup for the first time! That's history, people. It took overtime to do it, but they defeated the Minnesota Whitecaps 4 - 3 for the championship. Something else that's history is my middle-grade novel, Isobel's Stanley Cup, which illustrates Isobel Stanley's love of hockey back in 1891 and hints at the impact she would have on the game. As long as guys have been playing hockey, so have girls.
Check out this little chapter book. I guarantee you'll learn a few things about the sport that you didn't know before and that you'll gain a new appreciation for girls' involvement in the game.
Thanks to Shari Green for this shoutout on Instagram.

Big Savings!
Crwth Press is offering a huge saving on the purchase of all three books of
The Seer Trilogy.
Instead of $31.85 (the cost if you bought each book separately) the trio is available from the publisher for just $24.00. That's a saving of almost $8.00!
Click Crwth Press for more details.

My Acting Debut
I have never aspired to be an actress, but when The Druid and the Dragon was released in 2020, I wanted to get the word out, so I made a 30 second video (starring me as an old crone) to entice readers to pick up the book. My publisher liked it so much that when the final book of The Seer Trilogy was in the works, she suggested we make another video PROFESSIONALLY!! Gulp!
But we writers will do anything to promote our books -- even appear on camera without makeup! So I agreed. Here is the result. Makeup or not -- I LOVE IT!! Thank you so much, Jonathan Teague for all your excellent work.
The Seer Trilogy Trailer
Cover Reveal

It took a while, but we wanted to get it right. I couldn't be more pleased. I wanted mysterious and suspenseful, and I think we've achieved that. I'm so glad my publisher was open to making some changes.
The book has been thoroughly edited, we've been through the page proofs, and design has made it look gorgeous -- so the only thing left is to get the manuscript to the printer. I'm getting very excited!
The book will be in bookstores OCTOBER 4TH, but you might want to beat the rush and pre-order.
If you haven't read the first two books of the trilogy yet because you were waiting for the whole set, the time has arrived.

Lights, Camera, Action!

I recently spent two days in Nanaimo, shooting the trailer for THE SEER TRILOGY. We started filming at about 9 pm each night and worked until after 2:30 am. What a hoot! By the end, we were all a bit goofy for want of sleep, but it was an experience I shall cherish forever. I can't believe how much work went into this. (All I had to do was show up without makeup.) Many thanks to my publisher and especially Jonathan, the videographer, whose job has just begun. I shall post the trailer once it has been edited and pieced together. It should be up by the end of August.

Shepherd is a relatively new website about books that is putting a unique spin on choosing your reading material. The posts are by authors -- what they're reading and why. Following a motif or theme from one of their own books, authors select 5 other books they've read and enjoyed that fit that category. So if you want recommended books about clerical detectives, books to support your parenting arsenal, or heart pounding novels on disaster and survival, you'll find them here.
As I said, the site is only a few months old, but it is growing and evolving quickly to better meet readers' needs. The developers are now working on features which introduce readers to characters, offer a few sample pages, and provide interesting facts on book subjects such as Druidry, historic Ireland, and divination.
My page was inspired by the books of The Seer Trilogy and its theme is The best historical fiction with a whisper of fantasy. Check it out.
We're on the Best Books List

The Bridge of Whispers has been included in the Spring 2022 edition of Best Books for Kids & Teens, a semi-annual publication put out by the Canadian Children's Book Centre. I'm thrilled Bridges is among so many other wonderful books.
Writers Helping Writers
I've been writing books for over 25 years, and it's still great fun. But for a long time now, I've been wanting to get involved in the illustration side of publishing too. This year it looks to be happening -- finally. To celebrate the one-year anniversary of his fun, historical story called The Day the Pirates Went Mad (an Emma Sharpe Adventure), writer, Trevor Atkins (Visit his Facebook page) has a special promotion happening and asked me to sketch a few of the ship's company. Trevor's site is fabulous, complete with games, behind the scenes information, reviews, and much more. To check out the entire pirate crew, click here.
Thanks so much for this opportunity, Trevor. I look forward to reading The Day the Pirates Went Mad.

7 Books for Kids Who Love Hockey!
And Isobel is at the top of this prestigious list. Thank you
Look at this -- it's been 11 years since Cheat was first published, and it's a bestseller! Over the years, I have written 10 books for Orca's hi-lo Soundings and Current imprints, and I couldn't be more proud. This is a literacy program that aims to turn non-readers into readers -- and it gets results.

It's Here!
The Bridge of Whispers
Pick up a copy at your local bookstore.

The Seer Trilogy Newsletter
Since the publication of The Druid and the Dragon last October, I have been emailing a newsletter to interested readers on the 15th of each month. The newsletter includes trivia, a blog, announcements, updates, reviews, a character of the month, and assorted bits of fun. Sign up is easy. Just go to my contact page (It's listed under the About dropdown in the menu), write newsletter in the subject box, and provide me with your name and email in the body. That's it!
This month we're having a bit of fun imagining The Druid and the Dragon as a movie.

I've Been Interviewed
I was recently interviewed by NF Reads. The interview is up on their website -- everything from what inspires me, to bad reviews, and what's up next.

Cabin Girl Goes to Denmark
In 2017 Orca Book Publishers sold Cabin Girl to Bibliodan, a Danish publisher, but only yesterday did I see the cover on the Internet. I should be receiving my copy soon.

Kudos for Isobel!
Even though Isobel's Stanley Cup (Crwth Press) isn't a year old yet, it --
is included in the 2019 spring edition of Best Books for Kids and Teens
has been featured in articles in Quill & Quire and the Vancouver Sun
has toured schools and libraries in Ottawa and London, Ontario
is on the BC Summer Reading Club 2019 list
is on the Canada Day 2019 Children's Fiction List created by Surrey, BC libraries
is included in Resource Links Highlights: Summer Reading for Sports Enthusiasts
AND it's in Katelyn's book bag.